EN la página www.glcoherence.org hay una campaña para incentivar la coherencia de las personas a nivel emocional, específicamente se le enseña a las personas a activar los sentimientos que surgen del corazón (amor, gratitud,paz,alegría, en fin, todos los sentimientos positivos) para armonizar nuestro ser.

En esta página es una derivada de la página de heartmath, en donde se han realizado hallazgos científicos que demuestran que nuestro corazón es mucho más que una simple bomba, es una fuente de información mucho mas poderosa que nuestro cerebro y esta íntimamente ligada con el planeta.

En fin, hasta el clima está afectado por nuestros estados emocionales, por lo cual si aprendemos a estar en un nivel de coherencia estamos contribuyendo con el entorno, ademas de mejorar nuestra salud.

A continuación dejo una de las herramientas que se brindan allí gratuitamente:

Introductory Coherence Technique

Being coherently aligned while radiating compassion and care increases focus and effectiveness. However, any genuine care and compassion you radiate benefits the planet, whether or not you are in total coherence. You can radiate care and compassion for the planet while riding down the road, exercising, working in the yard, standing in a grocery line or at any time you can squeeze it in. It all counts and adds to the collective intention.


  1. Breathe and calm yourself in whatever ways you choose.
  2. Choose something you appreciate – a person, pet, nature, etc. – and radiate the feeling of appreciation to them for about 2 minutes.
    This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the planet or to a situation in need.
  3. Now evoke the genuine feelings of compassion and care for the planet.
  4. Breathe the feelings of compassion and care going out from your heart.
    To help with focus, some people imagine the compassion and care flowing out the way an ocean wave flows toward a beach. Some imagine their compassion radiating as a beam of light. Others simply radiate it out with the rhythm of their breath. There are no hard and fast rules on how you do this. People are different, so find what suits you.
  5. Radiate the genuine feelings of compassion and care to the planet or to a specific area of immediate need.
  6. See yourself, along with other caretakers, participating in this process of healing and facilitating peace.
    (If you have an emWave®, use it while practicing this introductory coherence technique.)

How long should you do the technique?

That’s for you to decide. Most people do it at least 5 minutes a day to help build their personal coherence. As people increasingly understand the wholeness benefits of coherence for the sender and the receiver, they often increase the length of time. Sometimes you’ll want to spend more time and other times less, based on how you feel and your schedule.

Know that compassion for others is never wasted. It just has its own timing and higher discernment in how it plays out.

—Doc Childre

Tomado de: www.glcoherence.org

Espero que visiten esta página, se hagan miembros y aprendan a generar un estado de coherencia interna.